Wheats & Wits
Abita Purple Haze – 4.75% ABV – Louisiana - $4.50
American style wheat with fresh raspberries asses during fermentation, bitter orange peel, sweet orange peel & coriander.
Avery Brewing Co. White Rascal – 5.6% AVB – Colorado - $5.00
Truly authentic Belgian Style wheat or “white” ale. Unfiltered & cleverly spiced with coriander and Curacao orange.
Coronado Orange Ave Wit – 5.2% ABV – California - $4.50
Traditional witbier infused with orange zest, coriander and orange blossom honey.
Dogfish Head Namaste White – 4.8% ABV– Delaware - $5.00
Witbier chock full of flavor using ingredients of dried organic orange slices, fresh cut lemongrass, peppercorns and a bit of coriander.
Evil Horse Downtown Hottie Wheat Ale – 5.7% ABV– Crete, Illinois - $4.50
Bright golden in color with a crisp and refreshing taste and a silky mouthfeel.
Goose Island 312 – 4.2% AVB – Chicago, Illinois - $5.00
Densely populated with flavor. Unfiltered, it hits you with aroma of cascade hops finishing with fruity ale flavor.
Goose Island Dry- Hopped Urban Wheat Ale – 4.2% AVB – Chicago, Illinois - $5.00
Extra Lemony, extra bright.
Hacker-Pschorr - 5.5% AVB – Germany - $5.00
Brewed with 60% wheat and 40% barley, then slowly lagered and remains unfiltered.
Shock Top Belgium Wheat – 5.2% AVB – Missouri - $4.50
Belgian-stye wheat ale brewed with real orange, lemon and lime peels then added a little coriander.
Victory Golden Monkey – 9.5% ABV – Pennsylvania - $5.00
Enchanting and enlightening. Herbal aroma, light but firm body. Exotic spices and subtle notes to both aroma and flavor.
Wells Banana Bread 5.2% - England - $5.50
Ripe banana flavor, emphasized by a hint of bitterness, comes from the addition of real fair trade bananas.